Our Parichay Milan is Postponed on
April / May 2024
I am a Yuvak
Yuvak (Male) can register himself for our Upcoming Parichay Milan Which Will be held on 7th January, 2024.
Register Me for Parichay Milan
I am a Yuvati
Yuvati (Female) can register herself for our Upcoming Parichay Milan Which Will be held on 7th January, 2024.
Register Me for Parichay Milan
Pay once in a lifetime and get access of 5000+ biodata 24×7. For any query call us on 7977228924.
Popular Register Me for Candidate eDirectory
You can register biodata on dashashrimali.com. To access biodata you need to have login credentials.
Register Me on dashashrimali.com
Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat
We are trying our level best organize such event as much as possible at most reasonable charges. Many individual is running small Matrimonial Bureau on WhatsApp or Telegram where they circulate their personal biodata without knowing the cyber threats. We aim at provide safe data access and reduce minimum cyber vulnerabilities. It is a fact that people categorized on various criteria as rich, upper middle class, educated, double graduate, etc.
We try to segregate such categories and try to bring higher success ratio. successful
By Organizing Matrimonial Event
Currently we are organizing events in Mumbai only. In upcoming time we are planning to organize such event in other part of India too.
completed matrimonial events in mumbai0%
program for coming one year across india0%
Flexible & Multiple Options
We provide multiple option to find your life partner.
- eDirectory : We have 5000+ biodata which are year wise segregated. Candidate need to pay one time fee till he/she do not find his/her life partner.
- Physical Parichay Milan Meet : We organize on regular basis such meet. Some class of people think that meeting personally makes more sense. Limitation of such meet is that there are limited candidate, candidate need to pay every time for each meet which is bit expensive.
- Matrimony Website : We have developed matrimony website www.dashashrimali.com. Here membership is periodical and has to renew after expiry which attracts recurring expenses. At the same time user has to be computer savvy. But this option is very useful in finding life partner on multiple criteria like Geo Location, education-wise, profession-wise, age-wise, etc.
Highlights of Matrimonial Meet on 28th May 2023
Shri Nilesh Mehta
Event Organiser
Come Out From Traditional Way
First of doing something in traditional way is not BAD. But to achieve speed, perfection and move with time is very important. Use technology as much as you can.
How use of technology overcomes traditional way ?
With the help of technology, once can do online registration 24×7. One can collect registration charges online. Printer gets ready data for book printing and making ID card. No mistake in typing or reading handwritten forms. It is just a small example of usage of technology.
Does use of technology costs you high ?
Depends. What kind of features you are using. However, we give technology on no profit no loss basis for noble charity purpose.
Our future plan
We would like to organize such events as much as possible in different part of the world.
We all know finding life partner in Jain/Gujarati community is a burning issue. My sincere efforts to minimize this issue.
We organize such event in luxury manner along with using latest technology, so of course it is not possible without financial support. You can support our noble cause by giving your business advertisement in our candidate book. Your such effort will enable and help us in minimize issue of finding life partner for our Jain/Gujarati Community unmarried youngsters.
Elite Members – Require Groom
Elite Members – Require Bride
Shri Lalit Shah
Former President, JSGIF
“It is one of the best matrimonial meet organised by JSG Airport Mumbai & Dashshrimali.com”
Shri Dilip Shah
Former President, JSGIF
“Very First Time I have seen such a optimized use of technology in Our Jain Community”
Shri Pankaj Sanghavi
Former President, JSGIF
“I know Event Organizer Shri Nilesh Mehta, who is dedicated to his assigned work and complete such work well in advance”
Shri Nalin Doshi
Former VC, Bombay Region, JSGIF
“Event was beyond my imagination, very well executed in time. Best part was eSmart Interactive PDF.